Prime Minister Boris Johnson has arrived in Kyiv to meet President Zelensky of Ukraine in what he called 'an absolute pleasure.'
- チャンネル: The Sun
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walked through the streets of Kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, visiting the Monument of the Heavenly Hundred and speaking with locals.
- チャンネル: ABC News
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy went for a walk in the streets of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv during his surprise visit Saturday.
- チャンネル: VOA News
- チャンネル: BBC News Japan
うわああ、ボリスが現地民に話しかけられてるパン屋、私が毎週末の様に朝ごはん食べてたパン屋ーーーー😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 https://t.co/HDzSJjUq2z
— まーりゃ (@Nouvelles56) April 9, 2022
- Gen's Blog: ウクライナ人女性の要望に回答する英国ジョンソン首相(2022,03,02)
- Gen's Blog: 英首相がウクライナ鉄道職員にメッセージ(2022,04,11)
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